Seeing Through Photographs
Sarah Meister, Curator, Department of Photography at the Museum of Modern Art
Since its invention in 1839, photography has served as a medium for documenting, understanding and interpreting the world. It has been reinvented continually through technological advancements and by the diverse ways in which artists and professionals have used it. Today nearly two billion images are uploaded daily to the internet, and our exposure to images has never before been more continuous or potentially consequential. But while taking, viewing and sharing photographs has become almost second nature, we may not be as visually literate as our engagement with images suggests. We will examine photography’s contemporary landscape through its unruly past.
LOCATION: the Suburban Club (7600 Park Heights)
$15 door fee for guests and subscribers
Image: Garry Winogrand, "World's Fair, New York City", 1964, Frankenel Gallery