Members’ Virtual Tour: The Frick Collection at the Frick Madison
Vincent Tolentino, museum educator
The Frick Collection is one of New York’s most beloved art institutions because of its unique atmosphere. Few fans would ever want to get rid of its oasis-like charms—but while it is being remodeled, the museum’s curators have seized the opportunity to give the public a new way to look at its famous art. The Frick has been reimagined as the Frick Madison. A few blocks north of its classical Fifth Avenue home, curators have hung three floors of the old Whitney Museum building with some of the collection’s most beloved treasures. For fans, it’s a chance to revisit old friends in a new setting, with the Marcel Breuer-designed building literarily casting the Frick’s Old Masters and other treasures in a new light. We will view these masterpieces in a bold new setting.
Members only tour, no registration is required